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USAID Local works co-creation workshop

USAID Local works co-creation workshop

Local Works is USAID Zimbabwe’s new youth economic empowerment initiative which seeks to facilitate and support innovative, inclusive, collaborative, sustainable, scalable and locally driven solutions that enable young Zimbabweans to start and grow businesses, thereby generating employment and contributing to the country’s growth. I recently had the pleasure of attending ... Read More
Ubuntu must be applied to Entrepreneurship for Bulawayo to develop towards 2050

Ubuntu must be applied to Entrepreneurship for Bulawayo to develop towards 2050

What do Ubuntu and entrepreneurship have to do with each other and why is Ubuntu so crucial to consider in African startups and businesses. How does the spirit of Ubuntu uniquely position us to build effective ecosystems that transform a city? #ubuntu #entrepreneurship #ecosystems #entrepreneurshipecosystems #bulawayo #startups #africa
Building Bulawayo’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem towards developing the City towards 2050

Building Bulawayo’s Entrepreneurship Ecosystem towards developing the City towards 2050

To sustainably build Bulawayo we will need to be intentional about building a cohesive, strategic ecosystem that makes it as easy as possible for entrepreneurship to thrive. #buildbulawayo #entrepreneurship #startup #startupbulawayo #ecosystem #startupecosystem #entrepreneurshipecosystem